The POD is officially OPEN!!
POD is officially OPEN!! And boy, did we give it the launch party it deserved. Move over Oscar After Parties, THIS is how you make memories and insta worthy moments ?
Can you spot yourselves in our launch day pics?

POD launch photos POD launch photos

POD launch photos

A massive thank you to everyone who came to the opening. We were overwhelmed with your positive feedback and outpourings of love! But we were truly emotional when we saw your children’s faces light up as they walked into their new home. We wanted to create the most magical, awe inspiring, warm-hug of a space and we only knew we’d achieved that when the children told us – there’s nothing like kids to tell you the truth!!!

And, we’ve still got more exciting plans to reveal over the coming months with the sensory room being fitted in February and the soft play zone coming in March.  In the meantime, we’ve got plenty of exciting times ahead with our podders and we CAN NOT WAIT!

Finally, there’s not a thank you big enough to give to the team involved in the realisation of POD. From the builders to the suppliers and our amazing POD team (you know who you are) now’s the time to enjoy all your hard work. What you have achieved is beyond even Sophie’s wild imagination!

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