Cheat Sheet for a Memorable Mother’s Day
What do mum’s really want for Mother’s Day? It’s actually pretty simple and rarely involves big expensive gifts and grand gestures (although these are certainly nice to have!) Really, it’s about being acknowledged for all that they do and made to feel like they are appreciated and loved.
Of course, this should happen all year round, but on Mother’s Day take away the million decisions mum has to make and give her both precious time with the family and a little time to herself. And when it comes to ‘gifts,’ if your little ones aren’t bringing home handmade tokens of their love from nursery or school you may have to step in a get a little messy. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!


Here's your cheat sheet for a memorable Mother’s Day!


  1. Let mum sleep in. Or at least be able to stay in bed and not jump up to pour bowls of cereal and wash dishes. A cup of tea/coffee in bed is always appreciated and breakfast would get you major brownie points…especially if the kids are involved (little teeth marks on the toast are forgiven!)


  1. Let the kids present their homemade cards. The fact that they/you have taken the time to create something from the heart is really the highlight of every Mother’s Day. Stuck for ideas? Here’s four ideas for Mother’s Day cards, although we usually find that with some paper and colouring pens children come up with the most imaginative designs!


  1. Take the kids out for a nice walk or to the playground. Along the way, they can pick some wild flowers. Even dandelions will do!! This gives mum time to relax in a bath/watch her favourite show/read her book – just appreciate the quiet and look forward to your return.


  1. Order dinner in or take the family out. No one needs to cook or clean up afterwards. Bonus points if you organise this without involving mum in the decision making.


  1. Finally, don't forget your own little sentiment. From something as simple as a handwritten letter or card to bringing back some cake after the walk – these favours will go a long way! Trust us.

And for mums reading this, a little bit of self-care goes a long way. Spoil yourself, even if it’s after everyone is asleep. Grab a glass of your favourite tipple, indulge in some ‘for grownups-only’ chocolate and enjoy the peace and quiet before it all starts again tomorrow!

Is that it I hear you cry? Well…the mums’ we polled also mentioned a two-week holiday to the Maldives, but a girl can dream can't she?
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