LOVEly activities to do all year round, not just at Valentine’s
Valentine’s Day is a rich theme for activities and crafts; who knew you could do so much with a heart shape! And with half term on the horizon, Valentine’s Day is giving us all heaps of love-themed inspiration to keep those little hands and minds busy!
Spreading a little love and reminding our children how much they are loved can clearly be a year round theme! Everyone thrives with reassurance and affection from those close to them. So we thought we’d pull together a round up of crafts and activities that can be enjoyed any time of year and will fill their (and your!) hearts with joy.


1. Fill up their love jar

Operating a bit like a reward chart, their empty jar gradually gets filled with love heart stickers or post-its every time they show a voluntary and endearing quality such as kindness or respect for others. It could be a physical jar or jar picture that sits on the fridge, but each heart reinforces their lovely their positive behaviour.

We found this gorgeous printable from Love The Day which shows another way the love jar can be used; I love you because…

Love jar

2. Things I Love heart

Such a simple and fun exercise! Cut out a big heart shape and ask your child to fill it with pictures of all the things and people that they love. The process of thinking and celebrating their finished heart is a positive way for young ones to practice gratefulness. This lovely example is from There’s Just One Mummy.

3. Love notes

Is there anything better feeling than receiving a precious note from your little one telling you how much they love you? Encourage them to extend this heart-warming gesture to others; friends, grandparents, neighbours! It will make their day, especially if they include one of their yummy bakes. We love this super simple biscuit wrap idea from Oh Happy Day, perfect sealed with a (kiss) sticker!

4. Love Scavenger Hunt

A weeklong scavenger hunt for hidden hearts that tell your child things you love about them is a gorgeous twist on this classic activity. Children will really look forward to hunting and collecting their hearts; think Elf on the Shelf without the creative headache! Simply write down a gorgeous quality about your child on a heart-shaped post-it and hide it around the home for them to find. You’ll be surprised how such a simple activity has such a positive response!

scavenger hunt

5. Bags of love

This creative task is so love-ly on so many levels. Give your child a paper bag to decorate for someone they love and ask them to fill it with pictures, words or memories that they associate and love about that person. Not only will it occupy them creatively for a morning, it also cements their love for that person and makes the most personalised, treasured gift for the recipient. A total happy tears moment!

Whether you try some of these on Valentine’s Day, over half term or any other time of year, we’d love to see their creativity and hear your love stories! Tag us @practicallyfamily @thepodwilmslow over on Instagram and we’ll share to inspire and spread a little love to others.

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