Eco & Green Commitment
Our Eco and Green Commitment is our promise to the planet and the children we care for. It’s about making small changes to make a big difference. Environmental education and action every day.

We will respect our world

We are committed to being more aware of our planet, our social responsibility and being conscious global citizens. We will constantly look for ways to reduce our carbon footprint by adopting business practices that are greener, leaner and more sustainable.

We will create conscious kids

We want our children to understand their impact on the world. Every preschool child will be carbon neutral within their year with us through various projects. We will help them discover the role they can play in reducing environmental load and protecting our planet for future generations.

We will reuse, reduce and recycle

The equipment we use in our childcare setting will be mindful of the environment. We will be conscious of our use of plastics and non-recyclables and will endeavour, where possible, to use natural resources and world-friendly toys.

We will reap what we sow

We will show children how to care for themselves and the planet. We will learn how to grow our own snacks and where fruits and vegetables come from. Hands-on, real-world learning that takes place outside the classroom and delivers real-life lessons.

We will protect our environment

We will look after the birds and the bees and everything in between. Children will explore our environment and the wider world, learning about how people and animals are affected by pollution and climate change. Creating the next generation of responsible citizens.